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Each year 80,000+ Virginia children enter Kindergarten. The statewide Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) assessment in Spring 2021 found that 52% of children fell below the benchmark in one or more assessed areas (early childhood mathematics, self-regulation, social skills and literacy). It is common for children to have areas for improvement but the data also shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has indeed had a negative impact on learning across the board.


We work together with children and families to ensure a successful transition to Kindergarten or bring existing Kindergartners up to the appropriate benchmark skill levels. By leveraging VKRP as a guide we can quickly identify areas for improvement and schedule weekly 1:1 sessions to work on a variety of activities with children.


Hourly rates are provided in the FAQs section.

Student Learning Mathematics

Early Mathematics.

Little children roundelay on lesson in kindergarten.jpg

Self-regulation and Social Skills.

Image by Sven Brandsma


Early childhood mathematics education is important to building logical reasoning skills, mental discipline, order and problem-solving skills.


Early mathematics includes the ability to understand basic geometry (e.g. shapes, shape properties), patterning (e.g. recognizing/creating/extending patterns), numeracy (e.g. counting, writing and comparing numbers) and computation (e.g. addition/subtraction).

Children build social-emotional skills through communication with their peers, and adults. VKRP describes self-regulation as, "The ability to control one’s own attention, emotions, and behaviors to cope with the demands of the environment" and social skills as "The child’s ability to navigate teacher and peer interactions successfully. "


Self-regulation and social skills includes the ability to follow teacher instructions, classroom rules, process multi-step directions, attempt new challenges, cooperate in groups, avoid aggression, manage conflict and express emotions in a positive manner.

Literacy opens children's minds to having access to information and becoming socially engaged. This can help children understand and engage with the world and people in their daily lives. Building literacy in childhood leads to lifelong learning opportunities.


Literacy skills include the ability to read, write, comprehend, spell, create sentences and understand when/how to use language.

How can Occupational Therapy help? Regularly attending school is a big part of a child's "occupation" and early childhood education is particularly important to learning. Working 1:1 with an OT to improve certain skills can be a rewarding experience for the child, their family and their school.


*VKRP is funded by the Virginia General Assembly and implemented by the Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning at the University of Virginia, in partnership with the Virginia Department of Education and School Divisions across the Commonwealth. Click here to learn more.

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